Guess who doesn't have any PJ's...dd#4, but I am making them for dd#5 hahaha. I never have the needs lined up with my whims. But this pattern was just so cute! I found it at the thrift store Saturday for $.50 awesome! I had just pulled out all my light knits to make V some summer jammies and so I have been looking through my patterns. This one was just the sort I was going to adjust one of my other patterns too. It is Butterick 3950 It was a Medium size so I added an inch to the length. Next time I make it I will add 2".
I hate to mention what a hassle my serger gave me today! But ohh was I having a day! It keeps not catching on the first needle. I have tried all sorts of adjustments to fix it but it seems to have it's own idea of catching when it wants. Then going through the double seems at the arms kept breaking my needles. One after the other. Argggggg. Well we made it in the end, and hopefully it will make it through a couple more pairs.

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