We were on vacation last week and I need a project for those times when we just sit around with nothing to do. We were camping you see, there is down time, relaxing time...
We picked out a few purses from the DI (local thrift store) and some head bands from the dollar store.
This was my first one. I did figure out that my hand stitching is not a good as I would like. I could have done this twice as fast at home with the machine! But you do what you have to out living in the dirt. I did have a hot glue gun. HA!
My SIL took an attempt at joining me in the purse destruction. Um I mean reconstruction. (Much to JuJu's dismay she really really wanted that green purse. I think she still took off with a white purse as I have yet to get my hands on it!)

I copied
Ruffles and Lace's headband for this next one. I was in the mountains so I didn't have the tutorial handy. I went off memory. Seems I put it together different, but it came out pretty much the same. We used the handle of the purse for the headband part on this one and the stitching that was on the purse for part of the bow...
That's all so far, but today we are making zipper flowers...so tomorrow come back for more hair pretties!