First Game for KeyKey, dd # 1
First Practice for CeCe, dd # 3 & "V" dd # 4
KeyKey's new team wears forest green. DollarTree just happened to have a stack of forest green t-shirts so I just knew I had to make new spirit shirts. (darn I wish KeyKey would stop changing teams!
I tried this design I had in my files. I didn't think it was going to come out to well and it didn't least it was a $1 shirt (I bought extra) Note to self: pick designs before I let V look through with me. She really loved the bow in her hair.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
As promised two more zipper flowers. The white is one continuous zipper, not cut just twisted and tacked down in the middle. The aqua one has been done for a while I just couldn't decide if I liked it or not. I added this white eyelet I had with the bead rocks. Still don't know if it is going to be a keeper. Tell me what you think.
One more zipper
We saw this awesome zipper necklace at Clair's a couple weeks ago. I tried to copy what they had made. I may need some more practice. I finally found black zippers with gold teeth, and 31" long! They were at a clearance outlet store. Awesome! Very reasonable price too!
Tomorrow I will post two more...
Tomorrow I will post two more...
...okay, you might say a little obsessed? But really, 5 girls? Maybe two per girl, that is not too many! These would be great for bows on gifts, too. And they can wear them after!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Were have I been?
Always so busy in August when I think I have nothing to do. We took a trip to California for a family wedding. The rest of the month has just flown by. Little things to do all the time.
I am the Membership Chair for the PTA. For give-aways I made these darling hair bows. I madeBackPack tags too, I just didn't have them on the board yet when I took the picture.
On other news we had a bit of a car accident this week. We were the middle of a three car sandwich. Yes we got the worst of the deal. Front and back smashed, air bags deployed. It was an 1998 so I think the insurance might think it is cheaper to call the car totaled. Here is my dd with her bruisesThat is how she shielded herself. I guess it might be a good thing the air bag could have gotten her eye or nose. I always fought them about sitting in the back. The sign says 12 and under, I always tell them. It was like an award to her on her 13th birthday to ride up front. Now, she says she is not sitting up front any more.
I am the Membership Chair for the PTA. For give-aways I made these darling hair bows. I madeBackPack tags too, I just didn't have them on the board yet when I took the picture.
On other news we had a bit of a car accident this week. We were the middle of a three car sandwich. Yes we got the worst of the deal. Front and back smashed, air bags deployed. It was an 1998 so I think the insurance might think it is cheaper to call the car totaled. Here is my dd with her bruisesThat is how she shielded herself. I guess it might be a good thing the air bag could have gotten her eye or nose. I always fought them about sitting in the back. The sign says 12 and under, I always tell them. It was like an award to her on her 13th birthday to ride up front. Now, she says she is not sitting up front any more.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Zipper Flower Tutorials
Here is how I made my Daisy 6 petal zipper flower. My finished flower is about 2 1/2 inches wide, if you want a bigger flower make bigger petals. I was going with what I could get out of the zipper I had.

I then gathered my piece for the center and wound that around and tacked it in. Covered it with a little gem and your set!
I started with a 19" zipper. I separated the zipper and using one side made one flower.
I cut my zipper into 6 2.5" pieces...leaving what was left for the center.
Next I ran my needle of thread through to make a gathering stitch:
I gathered the petal and looped it over it self and stitched it together:
I then stitched it to a scrap of felt: You could just hot glue it down as well.
Keep doing that 6 times.

I then gathered my piece for the center and wound that around and tacked it in. Covered it with a little gem and your set!
Zipper Rose Tutorial
Here is the zipper rose...I am sorry they are so out of focus. By the time I came in and got to the computer it was dark outside. Maybe tomorrow I can do it again, but for now I think you can follow? ummm?
Here we are all wound up
I am using a 7" zipper. I separated it and use both sides or even three pieces for a bigger one. I am just using what I have I am sure a longer zipper would work better. I can wait until tomorrow I have some new zippers I got from a garage sale that are cotton with the cute metal zipper teeth. The soft cotton will bend much better than this stiff polyester.
Any way I should push on...
I begin by rolling a tight center two or three times. And tack it with needle and thread.
As you go you will want some nonuniformity (is that a word?) so I fold the zipper backwards and start going the other way.
To give it more body I did some gathering stitches along the bottom as I wound the zipper around. This makes it pull in nice to the center but still lets the top zipper part flutter out like a petal. Does that make sense?
Here we are all wound up
Three together, I glued them to a piece of felt. I will trim the felt and use on a headband or barrette.
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